Post-Op Instructions



The surgical dressing has been placed over your gums and stitches to protect the surgery areas for approximately one week. Do not be concerned if small pieces break off. However, if a large piece loosens or breaks off within five (5) days and you are not comfortable, call the office since replacement of the dressing may be necessary.


Swelling and/or bruising of your face may occur. Ice packs or cold compresses placed against your face at intervals of 5-10 minutes on and 5-10 minutes off for the first 12 hrs. after surgery will help reduce any swelling that may occur.


Some oozing or trickling of blood from the treated areas is common for the first 24 hours and is of no concern. We suggest that you cover your pillow tonight and sleep with your head slightly elevated. If excessive bleeding occurs, place gauze or a tea bag in the area with pressure to stop the bleeding. If you feel that the bleeding is too much, please call the office or the doctor’s home.


Some discomfort is normal following periodontal surgery. The medication(s) prescribed are to provide comfort and prevent infection of the treated areas. If an antibiotic is prescribed, take all the tablets/capsules as directed. Please follow the directions carefully for your well- being. Avoid the use of alcohol with your medication(s). If any side effects occur, such as hives, itching, or skin rash, discontinue the medication and contact the office or doctor immediately.


You do not need to brush the treated areas covered with the dressing, except for the exposed parts of the teeth. If the dressing comes off, those areas may be gently brushed with a soft bristled toothbrush. Don’t forget to clean the non-treated areas in your usual manner.


Beginning tomorrow, rinse gently with salt water solution (1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water) 4-5 times a day for one week. Do not rinse vigorously since this may disrupt the clotting of blood. If you are on a salt restricted diet, you may rinse with diluted commercial mouthwash, such as Scope, Cepacol, or Listerine.


Avoid alcohol and smoking for several days since healing will significantly be delayed and prolonged discomfort may occur.


The most important factor for proper healing is good nutrition. This is not the time to try to lose weight.

  1. On the first several days, eat a soft diet and avoid hard, hot, and spicy food. Recommended foods include: jello, milkshakes, cottage cheese, soup, mashed potatoes, etc.. Nutritional drinks such as Sego Metracal, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Nutrament, and Sustacal are highlyrecommended.
  2. Force fluids for 3-4 days following surgery.
  3. After 2-3 days, gradually attempt to eat your normal diet, except crunchy andsticky foods for they may dislodge your dressing. Chew carefully.


  1. Rest quietly and avoid excessive activity for the remainder of the day.
  2. Infections are not common; but if they occur, take your temperature and call theoffice.


Your next appointment will involve the removal of remaining dressing and stitches and an evaluation of your healing. Further instructions for the care of the surgery areas will be given. Approximate time of this appointment will be 15 minutes. If you have any questions at any time, please contact the office.

Our mission is to help our patients live healthier lives. Your comfort and health are our first priority. Your beautiful smile is always our goal.